Aarhus HUG: How HubSpot Sales Hub maximises your sales efforts

Aug 16, 2023, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM


Meet us online on the 16th of August when two of our most expert HubSport Specialists, Nana Kwapong and Liz Churm, will talk about how to get the most out of HubSpot Sales Hub to accelerate your sales.


About this event

Aarhus HUG is back and we look forward to bringing you into our world of HubSpot Sales Hub and all of its vast potential.

This time you will get “the best of two worlds” as we give you the underlying theory AND the practical tips to put it into action.

Nana Kwapong will explore Why HubSpot Works for Sales and Marketing Alignment and Liz Churm will show us B2B Prospecting & How to use HubSpot Sales for it.

Nana and Liz are two of our most senior HubSpot experts. They work helping our clients to improve and optimise their Sales Hubs and want to give you the following: 

  • An understanding of the perfect tools HubSpot has to help sales and marketing teams work in harmony
  • An illustration of why this is crucial for improving your company’s sales performance and accelerating your growth
  • Hands-on tips and tricks of the platform itself in action and how it can be used for sales effectiveness

After the talks, you’ll be able to ask the team of experts any questions about the topics discussed or HubSpot in general.

Hope to see you there! 


  • Nana Kwapong


    Senior HubSpot Specialist

  • Liz Churm

    Avidly UK & CA

    Senior RevOps Consultant


  • Nana Kwapong


    Senior HubSpot Specialist

  • Liz Churm

    Avidly UK & CA

    Senior RevOps Consultant


  • Paul Mortimer

    HUG Support