QUICK WIN Email Tips That WORK!

Jun 13, 3:00 – 4:00 PM


Think you know the ins and outs of email marketing? Think again! Join Jay Schwedelson, President/CEO of Outcome Media & Founder of SubjectLine.com/GURU Media Hub, as he guides you through the latest email marketing best practices. These quick win tips/tricks will ensure your emails are making an impact and increasing results.

Community-LedEmail MarketingHUGInbound Marketing

About this event

Join email expert, Jay Schwedelson, as he zeroes in on how to increase open rates with a few easy tweaks, how to get more responses on email offers, and how you can improve email marketing ROI. From how to craft the best performing subject lines to creating interactive designs - this session will deep dive into what’s proven to drive strong direct marketing results via email right NOW. Learn tips, tricks, and brand new tactics that you can apply to your campaigns instantly.

Key Takeaways:

  • What’s keeping recipients from making it to your offer landing page and how to combat that
  • Small changes to your email creative, landing pages and overall setup that will radically improve your marketing ROI
  • Simple and quick tweaks to double open rates for your email campaigns
  • The power of subject lines and how specific words can make your email standout
  • The best days and ideal frequencies for sending emails


  • Jay Swchedelson




  • Tony Paille

    Growth Spurt

    Tony Paille

  • Sean McGauley

    Growth Spurt

    HUG Support


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