Nov 23, 2021, 4:00 – 5:00 AM (UTC)
Learn how to create buyer personas from scratch, understand why personas are the crux of effective contextual marketing as well how and where you can use these personas to make a difference in your marketing efforts. Join two Heads of Growth of cloud-based call centre software MaxContacts Kylie Johanson, and Trav White over at digital marketing agency, Neighbourhood.
Looking to supercharge your marketing strategy? Sounds like you need a guiding light ... Time you set up buyer personas! Did you know that 71% of companies that exceeded their revenue and lead goals utilised buyer personas? Well, on the 23rd of November at 2pm AEST, catch Neighbourhood's Head of Growth Trav White and MaxContacts Kylie Johanson, as they spark an essential chat about how to identify your buyer personas, how to build them and how you can use them to better solve the problems of the people that matter most to you ... your customers!
Do you have a deep understanding of what type of content your customers engage with most? What problems they might need to solve and how you're able to help them? Recharge your marketing strategy as we help you uncover the interests, characteristics, pain points, buying patterns and so much more of YOUR ideal customers, helping you serve them exactly what they want, how they want it and when. Personas are a battle-tested way to use within a marketing campaign to grow your business and connect with your target audience! Wondering what light-bulb moments you can expect?
What you'll learn:
- How to create buyer personas from scratch
- Why buyer personas are so imperative to contextual marketing
- How and where you can use personas for more effective marketing
Register for FREE today!
Head of Growth
Head of Growth
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
4:00 AM – 5:00 AM (UTC)
Webinar |