From Stagnant to Scalable: Powering Web Content with HubDB and Custom Objects

Nov 9, 2023, 7:00 – 8:00 PM


Join the "From Stagnant to Scalable: Powering Web Content with HubDB and Custom Objects" Developer HubSpot User Group webinar to discover how to use HubDB and custom objects to make your website more scalable, maintainable, and engaging.

CMS HubCommunity-LedEnglish

About this event

Content is one of the most essential components of every website, yet it is often stagnant, difficult to manage, and not very interactive. You are more accountable for the content as a developer than you may realize. You are in charge of turning the idea into reality. Join the "From Stagnant to Scalable: Powering Web Content with HubDB and Custom Objects" Developer HubSpot User Group webinar to discover how to use HubDB and custom objects to make your website more scalable, maintainable, and engaging.


  • Anton Bujanowski


    Developer HUG leader & Founder

  • Teun Rutten (he/him)

    Bright Digital

    Developer Hug Leader & Lead Developer

  • Will Spiro (he/him)


    Senior Product Manager at HubSpot


  • Anton Bujanowski


    Developer HUG leader & Founder

  • Teun Rutten (he/him)

    Bright Digital

    Developer Hug Leader & Lead Developer


  • Anton Bujanowski


    HUG Leader

  • Teun Rutten

    Bright Digital

    HUG Leader

  • Dennis Edson

    HUG Advocate