From Lead To Enrolment: Part 2 - Managing The Student Enrolment Journey with HubSpot

Aug 23, 2022, 2:00 – 3:00 PM

From Lead to Enrollment

Continuing from our first HUG, we spoke about the Change in Student Enrolment Journey. In this HUG, we will be going deeper into the alignment of Student Enrolment Journey, Inbound and how HubSpot Supports each step of your inbound strategy.

SalesSales and Marketing Alignment

About this event

Continuing from our first HUG, we spoke about the Change in Student Enrolment Journey. In this HUG, we will be going deeper into the alignment of Student Enrolment Journey, Inbound and how HubSpot Supports each step of your inbound strategy.

We'll break down how schools can map their marketing strategies to the student journey and show examples of how HubSpot pulls the results of all of those campaigns, sales and marketing activities together to help improve the understanding of the student, which can help the school begin to offer a better experience.


  • Lyndon Brathwaite

    HUG Leader