Oct 25, 2022, 2:00 – 3:00 PM
In this upcoming Higher Education HUG, we will be addressing five (5) questions out the gate, which are; 1) What's the real objective of your school's marketing campaigns? 2) Is it to create leads or generate demand? 3) What's the difference between Lead vs Demand? 4) Which one should your school be leaning into more? 5) How can HubSpot help support my Marketing & Sales Team on both?
A challenge we see coming up with schools in the Caribbean is that while their campaigns may create leads, converting those leads into actual enrolled students can be difficult.
Sometimes, generating a lead is not enough because it can be at the very early stage of the student enrolment journey (sales funnel), which means more work needs to be done to convert them into students.
So what needs to be done?
Apart from generating leads, schools must work on generating demand. This means raising a prospective student's level of interest or desire high enough to pursue their career at your institution and not another.
Much work goes into demand generation, and this cannot be done by the marketing team alone. Join us in part three of this Higher Education HUG as we invite LaShaun Ramdin, Certified Digital Marketer and owner of Ramdin Consultancy, as we discuss the following;
1) What's the real objective of your school's marketing campaigns?
2) Is it to create leads or generate demand?
3) What's the difference between Lead vs Demand?
4) Which one should your school be leaning into more?
5) How can HubSpot support Marketing & Sales Teams with both?
If you are looking to increase your enrolment rate, I suggest you RSVP to be part of this conversation on October 25th 2023.