World Certification Week 2023: Create Your Accreditations Game Plan

May 16, 2023, 6:00 – 7:00 PM

HubSpot Academy

Partners who attend this session will leave with (1) an interactive template for assigning and tracking prerequisite certifications based on accreditation criteria and (2) a strategic approach for leveraging World Certification Week to maximize accreditation application readiness.

HubSpot-LedWorld Certification Week 2023

About this event

Partners who attend this session will leave with (1) an interactive template for assigning and tracking prerequisite certifications based on accreditation criteria and (2) a strategic approach for leveraging World Certification Week to maximize accreditation application readiness.

By the end of this session, attendees will learn:

  • The full menu of accreditation offerings and their eligibility criteria
  • The prerequisite certifications and considerations for obtaining
  • How to leverage WCW in preparation for the next accreditation application window


  • Kevin Dunn

    Senior Manager, HubSpot Academy

  • Marc Hans


    Senior Solutions Partner Professor

  • Brenna Zenaty


    Senior Solutions Partner Professor