Unlocking the Power of HubSpot's User Object

Aug 15, 12:00 – 1:00 PM

HubSpot Adoption

User Objects are finally here, and we couldn't be happier! Gone are the days of cumbersome workarounds and custom object builds to track adoption. Now, with a whole new object natively built into HubSpot, tracking adoption is easier and more efficient than ever.


About this event

Join us for a session with HubSpot expert Chris Grant as we dive into the capabilities of the new User Object. In this session, we'll be getting hands-on in HubSpot to give you:

- An introduction to the User Object and its features

- Basic usage and reporting tips

- Advanced use cases and strategies

Don't miss this opportunity to grow your HubSpot knowledge and optimise your adoption tracking with the new User Object!


  • Chris Grant


    Sales Services and CRM Implementation Consultant


  • Bridget Pyne


    Marketing Manager


  • Bridget Pyne


    HUG Leader