Using HubSpot to Reduce Churn

May 25, 2021, 3:00 – 4:30 PM

IT + SaaS (East Coast)

Cheaper to keep her/him/them isn't just a saying for personal life. It's definitely true in business. One of the cheapest ways to grow a SaaS company is to keep the customers you have happy, engaged, and open to upgrading!

About this event

Reducing churn is fundamental to the success of every SaaS company, so we're diving into how to use HubSpot to reduce churn for our first SaaS East Coast HUG. We'll take a closer look at what you have available to you within HubSpot's platform and how you can apply it to check the temperature of your customers, get feedback and recommendations on current and future products, keep them updated with upgrades and things to come, and encourage engagement and referrals. Whew! Buckle up! We have a lot to cover! :)


  • Christina Bockisch


    Inbound Consultant



Tuesday, May 25, 2021
3:00 PM – 4:30 PM UTC


Welcome & Introductions
Customer Retention vs. Acquisition
Importance of Customer Retention for SaaS Companies
Reasons Why Customers Churn
Strategies to Reduce Churn
Pulling It All Together with HubSpot


  • Tim Jones

    HUG Leader

  • Ashlie Jones

    Eternal Works

    Co-HUG Leader

  • Frank Manley

    Eternal Works

    HUG Team

  • Rameen Khan

    Eternal works

    HUG Team


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Eternal Works