Building a Lead Generation Chatbot for Your Website

Jun 10, 2021, 5:00 – 6:00 PM


Need to generate more, better-qualified leads? Look no further! Join the Portsmouth HubSpot User Group for a virtual workshop that will give you hands-on experience with building lead generation chatbots for your website. Learn about conversational strategy, best practices, and try your hand at creating your own chatbot in HubSpot from scratch!

About this event

90% of customers rate an “immediate response” as very important when they have a support question.

67% of U.S. Millennials said they are likely to purchase products and services from brands using a chatbot.

Over 50% of customers expect a business to be open 24/7.

We live in a world of immediate gratification. When customers have a question, they expect an answer right now. For businesses, it’s critical to keep up with customer expectations to compete and stay relevant in the marketplace.

Enter chatbots.

Chatbots have gone from “nice to have” to necessary in our modern digital world. They provide customers with the immediate information they’ve grown to expect—from answers to questions to support help and more. Plus, they help save businesses money in the process. Juniper Research believes that by next year chatbots will save businesses an aggregate of over $8 billion per year. That’s billion with a B.

What can chatbots do for your business?

Well, besides helping you save money while providing the best possible user experience for customers on your website, they can also help you generate leads. Lead generation chatbots help marketers and salespeople qualify users automatically and collect key information for lead nurturing.

With HubSpot, creating and managing lead generation chatbots is not only simple—it’s highly effective. This HUG workshop will teach you how to get started and leverage your chatbot to convert more sales and marketing qualified leads. You’ll walk away with:

  • Clear, convincing business rationale for using lead gen chatbots
  • Best practices and things to watch out for
  • How to use conversational strategy to your advantage
  • Simple setup walkthrough and practice time
  • Common and advanced metrics to know
  • Answers to any questions you might have

Register for this free event above to reserve your seat—spots are limited! 



Thursday, June 10, 2021
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM UTC


Lead Gen Chatbot Workshop


  • Chris Conant


    HUG Leader

  • Mary Pouliot


    HubSpot Accreditations & Onboarding Manager

  • Ashley Allen

    Marketing Strategist


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