How to Run Blended ABM on HubSpot and RollWorks, a Tactical and Operational Fireside

Oct 25, 2023, 3:00 – 3:45 PM (UTC)

SaaS (UK)

Join Digital BIAS Founder & Chief Strategist Paul Sullivan and Bowie Sievers, Lead Product Manager from RollWorks, discussing the tactical and operational approach to running a Blended ABM Strategy on your HubSpot Customer Experience Suite and Rollworks integrated ABM platform.


About this event

In this upcoming event, Paul will walk through how you can successfully set ABM up in HubSpot and how to set your tiered accounts according to your overarching ABM strategy.

Bowie from RollWorks will walk you through how you use "Signals" to drive your customer acquisition strategy and successfully target your accounts with your HubSpot and RollWorks tech stack. He will also cover Demand Generation vs Demand Capture, MQLs and SQLs, creating the right funnel, plays you can make and, of course, how to use RollWorks double intent engine.

The takeaways will walk through a highly tech-driven approach to ABM for smaller teams, and BIAS will offer all those attending in person considering ABM free access to 100 in-market accounts in conjunction with Rollworks so you can walk away with a target account list to use yourselves or pass to your sales team.

Fawn Hudgens VP of Marketing at BIAS, will facilitate the conversation.


  • Paul Sullivan

    Digital BIAS


  • Bowie Sievers


    Lead Product Manager


  • Paul Sullivan

    HUG Leader

  • Fawn Hudgens

    HUG Support