Optimize your website for B2B Sales

May 26, 2021, 4:00 – 5:00 PM

Sales Hub + CRM

Learn how to optimize your website for generating qualified leads using HubSpot. Google announced that page experience ranking signals for Google Search will launch in May 2021. This will combine Core Web Vitals and previous UX-related signals. Now more than ever, your website's structure, technical SEO, and UX/UI will impact ranking. Be ready to optimize websites for these changes.

About this event

Google announced that page experience ranking signals for Google Search will launch in May 2021, combining Core Web Vitals and previous UX-related signals. 

The global pandemic forced vast numbers of companies into a "transform or die" decision on business-to-business selling. More B2B buyers than ever now use the internet to find and do business with suppliers - even for big-ticket sales. The winning companies are those who have optimized their websites to take advantage of the new normal in B2B sales.

According to CSO Insights, over 70% of B2B buyers conduct online research before engaging with a sales rep. Almost half choose a product or service solution before even contacting the seller. Thanks to search engines like Google, buyers can move swiftly from online research to comparing solutions and choosing suppliers.

In this presentation, John Elmer, CEO & co-founder of Bayard Bradford, will take you through to 5 steps to a sales ready website:

1. Optimize your website for Google Search

2. Combine high-impact headlines with simplified design

3. Convert visitors into leads with conversion paths

4. Integrate with your CRM to get marketing and sales in sync

5. Install visitor analytics that keep your pipeline growing

For more information, please refer to this guide: https://www.bayardbradford.com/sales-ready-b2b-website/


1. Introduction

2. Presentation: The 5 Steps to a Sales Ready Website

3. Group Exercise: Begin your own website audit

4. Q&A


  • John Elmer

    Bayard Bradford



  • Will Smith

    HUG Leader

  • Colt Steingraber


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