SunCRM Office Hours

Dec 13, 2024, 5:00 – 6:00 PM (UTC)

Solar Industry

An open discussion on the how best to use Hubspot for solar installers.

About this event

These are weekly office hours for SunCRM to discuss how solar installers can best utilize Hubspot to grow and scale their businesses. We will have an open forum focused on the challenges and lessons learned that real solar installers are facing in their businesses, with a focus on installers already using Hubspot. We will talk through opportunities, pain points and wish list items for solar installers in how Hubspot is currently being used and how it could improve in the future. SunCRM will provide feedback and incorporate suggestions from solar installers to improve the solar-specific SunCRM product, which is solar version of Hubspot that is growing and improving every day with input from solar installers like you.


  • Joe Marhamati

