North America



Want to know all about Appleton HubSpot User Group (HUG)? Here’s the short story:

  • Who: Other HubSpot users throughout Northeast Wisconsin
  • What: Networking with and learning from area professionals
  • Why: To grow, learn about HubSpot updates, share insights, ask questions, have fun!
  • When: Quarterly throughout the year
  • Topics: ChatFlows, best practices, reporting and analytics, customer satisfaction surveys, workflows, etc.
  • How: Click the orange “Join Us” button above to connect within the Appleton HUG

The (slightly) longer story:

If you want to advance your skills — from sales to marketing to customer service — and expand your range of interests, the Appleton HUG is here for you. Expert presenters and lively participants make events a blend of education and connection.

Although HUG events are currently virtual, we look forward to returning to in-person events. We miss your faces, the coffee and treats, and camaraderie.

Someone else likely faces the same challenges you do; Appleton HUG events are great places to work them out.

Past events


Find & Fix the Leaks: Power Up Sales with AI & Automation


HubSpot AI Tools: Continuing the Conversation

Virtual Event

AI Tools in HubSpot and Beyond: Make Your Marketing Smarter


How to Create an SEO + Content Strategy That Moves the Needle

Load more


Mary Rockman

HUG Leader Weidert Group

Kelly Wilhelme

Director of Marketing Weidert Group


Contact Us!