Topic-Based Events

Education UK


Welcome to the HubSpot User Group for those working in the Education sector! 👋
Join us for our regular events, where we bring together HubSpot users from across the education sector to share their knowledge, insight and best practices across a wide range of inbound marketing, admissions and HubSpot-related topics!

Do you work in a school, college, university or online training provider? Perhaps you work in a business that serves the education sector? This is the HubSpot User Group for you! Join our next event - more information coming soon!

You'll hear from HubSpot-for-education experts and take part in workshops and discussions with the end goal to help you get more from HubSpot and its suite of products.

Hosted by the team at HubGem Marketing (a HubSpot Accredited, Diamond 💎 HubSpot Solutions Partner), who have over a decade of experience in education marketing and admissions and as HubSpot users... you can expect an event with lots of actionable tips, strategic advice and education sector-specific insight!

Join our LinkedIn HUG for education groups, for all industry news, HubSpot updates and best practice. 

Upcoming events

25 mar 2025


Level Up Your Marketing: Automation Tools for College Marketing Teams

Level up your college marketing! Join HubGem for a HubSpot User Group event focused on automation tools in HubSpot. Learn how to streamline your student marketing processes and personalise communication, to boost efficiency and student recruitment. Discover practical tips and best practices for using HubSpot's automation to achieve your marketing goals. Network with fellow education professionals.

Past events


HubSpot AI for Education: Content Creation, Personalisation, and Results


Don't let VAT hold you back: Navigating VAT in Independent Education


How to utilise service Hub for your college


Top 5 Enterprise level HubSpot tools for education

Load more


Gemma Price

HUG Leader | CEO at HubGem Marketing HubGem Marketing Ltd

Chloe Snedden

Senior Business Development Consultant HubGem

Rose Young

Business Development Consultant HubGem

Olly Featherstone

HubSpot CRM Consultant & AI Lead


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