Best/Better/Good/Ugh/Risky UX in a B2B Tech Marketer's World

Jun 14, 2022, 4:00 – 5:15 PM (UTC)

B2B Technology (USA)

Most B2B tech marketing teams hope for good user experiences, but often don't have the staff, budget, or partnerships in place to completely follow through. How do we drive our teams and companies towards increased customer-centricity? What role can UX professionals play here? Join live to get some tips and ask your questions.


About this event

B2B tech marketers are under wild pressure…get the company more leads, increase conversions, raise that NPS and more. This means that most marketing teams might hope for good user experiences, but often don't have the staff, budget, or partnerships in place to completely follow through. Instead, we try to incrementally step our way to improvements through guessing and hoping our changes or initiatives will move the needle.

How do we drive our teams and companies towards increased customer-centricity? What role can UX professionals play here? How do we reduce marketing expenses and risks in a fast-moving, highly demanding work environment? Join live to get some tips and ask your questions.


  • Debbie Levitt

    Delta CX




Tuesday, June 14, 2022
4:00 PM – 5:15 PM (UTC)


4:00 PM
4:10 PM
Presentation Begins
5:00 PM


  • Jen Lombardi

    Kiwi Creative

    HUG Leader