SMS Marketing To Increase Customer Lifetime Value

Jun 11, 2024, 5:00 – 6:00 PM (UTC)

Education (NAM)

Come learn from 42Chat how to do SMS Marketing that won't get you marked as Spam.

AutomationHUGNetworkingRevOpsSales and Marketing Alignment

About this event

ICYMI: Check out the recording here. How does a higher education institution get more fundraising with fewer team members? Come learn about how HubSpot customer, 42Chat, makes fundraising with fewer members for the higher ed (and event) spaces easier. If you're concerned about the increasing number of companies leaping into SMS Marketing and potentially upsetting their prospects and customers - this event is 100% for you! 

SMS Marketing has got to be done the HubSpot way - which means you're giving value before you're demanding and interrupting anyone. 42Chat makes such "give and get" SMS communication more valuable. 42Chat won't let you spam your customers on the one channel that has a 98% read rate. Let's all learn together to make sure we learn how to harness the power of SMS Marketing, instead of turning it into the Death of Email.

Lots of people are doing one directional SMS marketing, and that can be good for emergencies. But is anyone assuring you of SMS marketing that fosters a conversation back and forth wth your audience, without adding extra human resources? A young alumni strategy is being missed out on by other institutions, don't let it be you.

Come to this webinar to learn how to:

  1. Get higher lifetime value from your higher education graduates with the power of SMS bots
  2. Elevate the experience of your institution and milestone events like graduation. 
  3. Find out how to capitalize on that elevated engagement and easily transition into Alumni fundraising.
  4. Effectively connect with graduates who prefer receiving information via SMS - if you do it right!  
  5. Be able to track the financial impact of your work.
  6. Show graduates and alumni what their contribution dollars did to help their alma mater so you can celebrate that new football field together.

Bonus: you'll see a use case for how to more easily fundraise for your higher education institution with Grad and Alumni SMS bots.



  • Fernann Ardis


    Director of Higher Education


  • Alysha Dominico

    Tangible Words

    CEO & Co-Founder


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