Feb 28, 2023, 7:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)
Every company loves the idea of HubSpot's Lead Scoring tool. But few companies can rely on HubSpot scoring as an indicator of best fit Leads. Let's fix it!
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Every company loves the idea of HubSpot's Lead Scoring tool. But few companies have it set up and can really rely on HubSpot scoring as an indicator of best fit Leads. Why is that happening to you? Come along to this virtual HUG session to not only find out WHY HubSpot Scoring usually doesn't work, but to also fix yours!
In this session, lead by a 5-Star HubSpot Platinum Growth Agency you'll learn:
1) Why HubSpot Scoring isn't working for you right now
2) A sure process to make HubSpot Lead Scoring start working for you this week
3) SLA Processes you can put in place to make sure HubSpot Lead Scoring always works for you.
Tangible Words
Growth Strategist
Tangible Words
HUG Leader