North America



Thanks for your interest in our Ottawa HubSpot User Group! Hubspot is a heavy tool and everytime you see new use cases for how to apply it, you learn. 

We will have exciting events every quarter, a LinkedIn group so you can get daily help, as well as our for saved threaded help. If you're in Ottawa and you use Hubspot, join our chapter now, so you can meet your fellow local peeps who have ideas you probably need - and of course tell them about your local company.

Past events

Virtual Event

HubSpot CMS: Why we're not using WordPress Anymore

Virtual Event

Why Community Matters Most in the Age of AI (& How to do it)

Virtual Event

Branding (Have the best one in the business)

Virtual Event

Advising to Close the Sale: Critical Sales Skills for B2B Service Providers

Load more


Alysha Dominico

HUG Leader Tangible Words


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