AI Roundtable: How to Use AI Inside and Alongside HubSpot to Increase Leads and Sales

Jul 11, 2023, 10:00 – 11:30 PM


ChatGPT, AI plug-ins, and other AI marketing tools are the fastest growing software products in history. This is your chance to dive deep into how to start using AI to super-charge your marketing and sales strategies.

AutomationCRMHUGInbound MarketingRevOps

About this event

ChatGPT, AI plug-ins, and other AI marketing tools are the fastest-growing software products in history.

This is your chance to dive deep into how to start using AI to supercharge your marketing and sales strategies.


Meredith Dennis
Compression Marketing
Fractional Marketing Leader & Founder

Josh Paul
Pipeline Ops 

Join us for the next Phoenix HubSpot User Group meeting to get the lowdown on how to incorporate AI into your marketing and sales plan, learn how other companies are doing it, and network with other HubSpot customers.

While we have been using AI tools to increase leads and sales for months, this technology is moving so quickly that we don’t have all of the answers and latest techniques.

This roundtable discussion will include:

  • How to create killer prompts
  • ChatGPT Plug-Ins
  • demo
  • See content assist in action
  • How to draft 3 months of content in 20 minutes

See you at this month’s in-person Phoenix HUG meeting to share practical, approachable ways to use AI tools to increase sales. 



Tuesday, July 11, 2023
10:00 PM – 11:30 PM UTC


Best HubSpot Customer Networking in AZ
HubSpot AI Roundtable


  • Josh Paul

    Pipeline Ops

    HUG Leader


  • Meredith Dennis

    Fractional Marketing Leader & Founder

    Compression Marketing


Pipeline Ops logo

Pipeline Ops