Building Bridges: Marketers + Developers = SEO Success

Jun 1, 2023, 3:00 – 4:00 PM

SEO + Performance + CMS

We're kicking off the first SEO + PERFORMANCE + CMS HUG event with Brooke Fisher, Developer Professor at HubSpot, to bring together the marketing and technical aspects of SEO and website performance.

CMS HubHUGNetworkingSEO

About this event

it's kind of like 🥓 + 🍳 or 🥜 + 🍇

when marketers + developers work together, everything tastes better...erm, works better! 🚀

it's our first official SEO + PERFORMANCE + CMS HUG event, and we're going to start building bridges with our special guest speaker...

Brooke Fisher!!

You may know her from HubSpot Academy, where she's a Developer Professor for all things technical SEO, local development, and so much more!

We'll start things off with a little meet + greet session, then we'll dive into Brooke's presentation with a high-level overview of SEO and Google Core Vitals, a little demo on the technical side of things, and tying it all together with the HubSpot tools that marketers and developers use to build top-performing websites!

There will be time after the presentation for Q+A and for sharing your thoughts about future events!


  • Brooke Bond


    Developer Professor



Thursday, June 1, 2023
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM UTC


Meet + Greet
Questions + Answers + Ideas


  • Jennifer Nixon

    HUG Leader