SEO Recommendations Deep Dive

Mar 20, 2024, 3:00 – 4:00 PM (UTC)

SEO + Performance + CMS

How many SEO Recommendations does your website have? We're going to do a deep dive on an account with the most recommendations LIVE to help explain exactly what steps to take to resolve the issues, what they mean, and how to prioritize.

CMS HubCommunity-LedMarketing HubSEO

About this event

Following up on the Admin HUG's recent event, HubSpot SEO Recommendations Demystified, we'll take a deep dive into one (or more) accounts to provide actionable next steps and understanding of what each recommendation means.

If you didn't catch the live session with George B. Thomas and Amanda Schumacher, watch the recording here (will be added as soon as it's ready).


  • Jennifer Nixon

    HUG Leader