Secrets To A Strong Relationship (With Your HubSpot Partner)

Feb 13, 4:30 – 5:30 PM (UTC)

Western Canada

Join us this February while we explore the secrets to building a strong relationship with an HubSpot partner. We'll be sharing stories and tips from our last 5 years of working with clients so you can benefit from our experience to boost your ROI when working with a partner and accelerate your HubSpot projects.


About this event

HubSpot can be a lot to handle, especially if it’s not your full-time job, which is why it’s nice to have a HubSpot Partner (or Provider) on call. Of course, like any relationship, the one between you and your Partner takes work, can have rough patches and, occasionally, comes to an end.

That’s why we want to share the tips, tricks and tactics for a building strong Partner relationship we’ve learned from the 4+ years and 50+ client relationships, whether they were wedded bliss or… a little more complicated.

Here’s what we’ll cover in the session:

  1. What types of Partners are there?
  2. How to choose a Partner that fits your needs.
  3. The difference between a process problem and a platform problem.
  4. The 4 A’s a Partner needs to be effective.
  5. Your responsibilities in a strong Partner relationship.

Whether you’re on the apps looking for a new Partner, or just nurturing an already amazing relationship, we look forward to spilling the tea with you just in time for Valentine’s Day.


  • Cody Pierson

    Hubcap Solutions


  • Lisa Latour

    Hubcap Solutions

    HubSpot Consultant


  • Cody Pierson

    Hubcap Solutions

    HUG Leader