Topic-Based Events



A place to collaborate and connect with HubSpot users in order to inform, optimize, and operate cross-platform in CommerceHub. CommerceHub is more than just invoicing and receiving payments. It can be a cross-hub solution to delight your customers. Join us for the freshest updates, demos, and insights on how you can leverage CommerceHub.

Upcoming events

27 mar 2025


Tracking Expenses to a Deal - Case Study and Examples

In some industries, deals come with significant overhead and expenses that impact profitability. Join Steve Hollis, VP of HubOps at Media Junction, as he showcases how to track real-time profitability on a Deal record using custom objects (or object templates) and roll-up properties in HubSpot.

Past events


FinOps HUG - Dynamic Product Pages


Recurring Invoices, Payment Schedules, and an updated Quickbooks Integration walkthrough!

Virtual Event

FinOps HUG Kickoff


Steve Hollis

HUG Leader Media Junction

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